Culture plays an essential role in learning and teaching First Nations (FN) languages, as culture and languages are deeply intertwined. The inseparability of language and culture is emphasized in the Western Canadian Protocol for Aboriginal Language and Culture (Ignace, 2016). Learning and teaching FN languages goes beyond simply memorizing new vocabulary; it involves integrating cultural knowledge and activities to foster not only linguistics proficiency but also develop a deep understanding of the cultural, spiritual, and historical significance of FN languages.

Incorporating cultures into teaching and learning FN languages can begin with using stories or songs, as oral tradition is central to many FN cultures. Stories and songs are rich in new vocabulary and linguistic expressions while also carrying knowledge and traditions that passed down through generations. For example, a teacher might use the story “G̱an Sit’aatksa wil Baasaxga Gyemk” (How the Seasons came to be) (Dunn, 1995). to teach students vocabulary about seasons in Sm’algyax. By linking new words to the story, students may find it easier to recall them. This approach not only makes learning Sm’algyax more engaging but also deepens students’ understanding of how the Ts’msyen people think about seasons.

Traditional games that incorporate FN languages can also be effective tools for teaching local languages. These might include counting games or memory games using traditional items like rocks or feathers. As students enjoy playing the games with their friends, they can recall the words for numbers naturally, making language learning more enjoyable and effortless.

I believe culture is key to teach and learn FN languages. When schools and educators create a learning environment where students can immerse themselves in cultural and traditional activities, such as stories, songs, and games, it enhances both students’ cultural knowledge and their proficiency in FN languages. This also contributes to the revitalization of FN languages that we are all working toward.


Ignace, M. (2016). First Nations Language Curriculum Building Guide. Retrieved from

Dunn, J. (1995). G̱an Sit’aatksa wil Baasaxga Gyemk (How the Seasons came to be).

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